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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Risk Management Failures of British Petroleum Free Essays
string(117) in two other significant oil-delivering countries, Brazil and Norway, if all else fails security against submerged spills. BP is a British worldwide vitality organization which is the third biggest vitality organization and the fourth biggest organization on the planet. As a worldwide oil organization, BP is the UK’s biggest partnership, with its home office in St James’s, City of Westminster, London. BP America’s home office is in the One Westlake Park in the Energy Corridor territory of Houston, Texas; the organization is among the biggest private division vitality partnerships on the planet, and one of the six heads. We will compose a custom paper test on Hazard Management Failures of British Petroleum or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now So as to extend social obligation and improve its picture British Petroleum changed its name into BP in year 2000 with a logo of green and yellow sunflower designs. Incomprehensibly a similar organization image is presently under scorn and the object of questionable assaults from tree huggers and harming legal disputes. The company’s issue additionally declined when it was recorded as one of the â€Å"ten most exceedingly awful corporations†during the year 2001 and 2006. Truth be told, BP and its rivals Royal Dutch-Shell were considered by activists to be dependable with the compromising marvel of environmental change. BP was cautioned before the oil pipeline spill occurred in Alaska, however no activity was made by the higher authorities to relieve its conceivable event and lessen harms. In March 2005, BP’s Texas City, Texas processing plant, probably the biggest treatment facility, detonated causing 15 passings, harming 180 individuals and constraining a great many close by occupants to stay shielded in their homes. An enormous section loaded up with hydrocarbon flooded to frame a fume cloud, which touched off. The blast made all the losses and significant harm the remainder of the plant. The occurrence came as the zenith of a progression of less genuine mishaps at the processing plant, and the designing issues were not tended to by the administration. Support and security at the plant had been cut as a cost-sparing measure, the duty at last resting with administrators in London. The drop out from the mishap keeps on blurring BP’s corporate picture in view of the fumble at the plant. There have been a few examinations of the calamity, the latest being that from the U. S. Substance Safety and Hazard Investigation Board which offered a mocking assessment of the organization. The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) discovered hierarchical and security lacks at all degrees of the BP Corporation and said the board disappointments could be followed from Texas to London. The organization conceded to a crime infringement of the Clean Air Act, was fined $50 million, and condemned to three years probation. On October 30, 2009, OSHA fined BP an extra $87 million†the biggest fine in OSHA history†for neglecting to address security perils uncovered in the 2005 blast. Investigators discovered 270 security infringement that had been recently refered to however not fixed and 439 new infringement. BP is engaging that fine. In August 2006, BP shut down oil activities in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, because of erosion in pipelines paving the way to the Alaska Pipeline. The wells were spilling protecting specialist called Arctic pack, comprising of unrefined petroleum and diesel fuel, between the wells and ice. BP had overflowed one million liters of oil in Alaska’s North Slope. This erosion is brought about by residue gathering in the base of the funnel, shielding destructive microscopic organisms from synthetic compounds sent through the pipeline to battle this microorganisms. There are gauges that 5000 barrels (790 m3) of oil were discharged from the pipeline. To date 1513 barrels (240. 5 m3) of fluids, around 5200 cubic yards (4000 m3) of ruined day off 328 cubic yards (251 m3) of dirtied rock have been recouped. After endorsement from the DOT, just the eastern part of the field was closed down, bringing about a decrease of 200000 barrels for each day (32000 m3/d) until work started to carry the eastern field to full creation on 2 October 2006. In May 2007, the organization reported another halfway field shutdown inferable from holes of water at a partition plant. Their activity was deciphered as another case of aftermath from a choice to cut upkeep of the pipeline and related offices. On 16 October 2007 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation authorities revealed a harmful spill of methanol (methyl liquor) at the Prudhoe Bay oil field oversaw by BP PLC. About 2,000 gallons of generally methanol, blended in with some unrefined petroleum and water, spilled onto a solidified tundra lake just as a rock cushion from a pipeline. Methanol, which is toxic to plants and creatures, is utilized to free ice from the inner parts from the Arctic-based pipelines. From January 2006 to January 2008, three specialists were executed at the company’s Texas City, Texas treatment facility in three separate mishaps. In July 2006 a specialist was squashed between a funnel stack and mechanical lift, in June 2007, a laborer was shocked, and in January 2008, a specialist was murdered by a 500-pound bit of metal that came free under high tension and hit him. On April 1 2009, a Bond Offshore Helicopters Eurocopter AS332 Super Puma shipping laborers from BP’s stage in the Miller oilfield in the North Sea off Scotland smashed in great climate executing every one of the 16 ready. On April 20, 2010, a semi-sub exploratory seaward penetrating apparatus in the Gulf of Mexico detonated after a victory and sank two days after the fact, killing eleven individuals and causing an enormous oil slick compromising the bank of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and Florida. The apparatus is claimed and worked by Transocean Ltd for BP, which is the lion's share proprietor of the oil field. The organization initially evaluated the size of the break at around 1,000 barrels every day except later acknowledged government appraisals of a hole of at any rate 5000 barrels for each day. On April 30, BP expressed that it would bridle the entirety of its assets to fight the oil slick, going through $7 million per day with its accomplices to attempt to contain the calamity. BP was running the well without a remote control shut-off switch utilized in two other significant oil-creating countries, Brazil and Norway, if all else fails security against submerged spills. You read Hazard Management Failures of British Petroleum in class Exposition models The utilization of such gadgets isn't ordered by U. S. controllers. The U. S. Government gave the duty of the episode to BP and will consider it responsible for costs caused in containing the circumstance. On May 11, 2010, Congress called the administrators of BP, Transocean, and Halliburton to a conference with respect to the oil slick. When tested for answers with respect to the occasions paving the way to the blast, each organization accused the other. BP accused Transocean who possessed the apparatus, who at that point accused the administrators of the apparatus, BP. They additionally accused Halliburton, who assembled the well packaging. Coming to investigate BP’s hazard the executives, it is noted first that BP association utilizes the frameworks of unified course and decentralized usage. The unified heading framework was intended to achieve business objectives and goals. The organization brings together the partnership by executing key targets, qualities, practices and guidelines to be performed and effortlessly comprehended by their kin. Then again the efficient target of BP is decentralized execution of its tasks so as to convey the best nature of items or benefits and fulfill the requirements of the customers. The decentralized execution secured three business fragments to be specific: Exploration and Production, The Gas, Power and Renewable and Refining and Market. As is notable, methods and controls are an important condition for successful hazard the board, yet not an adequate one. A company’s norms and procedures will come up short if workers don't feel enabled to adhere to the principles during times of pressure or they dread reprisal for revealing â€Å"unwanted†data. Perusing the report of BP and different esources available to me I have discovered that how parts of BP’s culture may have endured abbreviated security techniques as they fell behind speculation plans and different cutoff times. For instance, the organization cut off a methodology including boring liquid that is intended to recognize gas in the well and skirted a quality trial of the concrete around the channel (another cradle against gas) in spite of BP’s report finding that there were indi cations of issues with the concrete employment and notwithstanding an admonition from the concrete contractual worker organization. The specialists likewise inferred that there was not a solid culture of correspondence over its own group heads and accomplice organizations. Having various players can limit access to basic information and moderate dynamic procedures to a perilous point. Nor did there have all the earmarks of being where administrators were relied upon to search out or share opposite data from an alternate point of view. These social components permitted issues to proceed without the utilization of exhaustive skill. It is by all accounts vital including more controls, more balanced governance, with auditable hazard the executives forms new least guidelines, and expanded self-reviews. While a few measures and edges didn't exist preceding the mishap, it is indistinct whether the absence of these controls and review systems legitimately caused the mishap itself Companies can't altogether move operational or reputational hazard to an accomplice, subcontractor, or provider. Apparently, BP had set up noteworthy and complete controls and authoritative prerequisites for its contractual workers and other specialist organizations. Be that as it may, questions stay about whether these authoritative necessities were really executed, evaluated, and observed by BP. Anyway, chance mana
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Codependency: Family and Co-dependency this Condition
Codependency is a scholarly conduct that can be passed down starting with one age then onto the next. It is a passionate and social condition that influences an individual’s capacity to have a sound, commonly fulfilling relationship. It is otherwise called â€Å"relationship addiction†on the grounds that individuals with codependency frequently shape or keep up connections that are uneven, sincerely dangerous as well as oppressive. The confusion was first recognized around ten years back as the consequence of long periods of contemplating relational connections in groups of alcoholics.Co-subordinate conduct is found out by watching and mirroring other relatives who show this sort of conduct. Who Does Co-reliance Affect? Codependency regularly influences a mate, a parent, kin, companion, or colleague of an individual harrowed with liquor or medication reliance. Initially, mutually dependent was a term used to depict accomplices in concoction reliance, people living with , or in a relationship with a dependent individual. Comparative examples have been found in individuals involved with incessantly or intellectually sick people. Today, nonetheless, the term has expanded to portray any mutually dependent individual from any broken family. What is a Dysfunctional Family and How Does it Lead to Co-reliance? A useless family is one in which individuals experience the ill effects of dread, outrage, torment, or disgrace that is overlooked or denied. Basic issues may incorporate any of the accompanying: †¢An dependence by a relative to drugs, liquor, connections, work, food, sex, or betting. †¢The presence of physical, enthusiastic, or sexual maltreatment. †¢The nearness of a relative experiencing a constant mental or physical sickness. Useless families don't recognize that issues exist. They don’t talk about them or defy them. Accordingly, relatives figure out how to quell feelings and negligence their own needs. They become â€Å"survivors. †They create practices that help them deny, overlook, or evade troublesome feelings. They confine themselves. They don’t talk. They don’t contact. They don’t defy. They don’t feel. They don’t trust. The character and passionate advancement of the individuals from a useless family are frequently repressed Attention and vitality center around the relative who is sick or ddicted. The mutually dependent individual commonly forfeits their necessities to deal with an individual who is wiped out. At the point when mutually dependent people place different people’s wellbeing, government assistance and security before their own, they can lose contact with their own needs, wants, and feeling of self. How Do Co-subordinate People Behave? Mutually dependent people have low confidence and search for anything outside of themselves to cause them to feel better. They think that its hard to â€Å"be themselves. †Some attempt to feel better through liquor, medications or nicotine †and become dependent. Related exposition: Shame is Worth a Try Others may create enthusiastic practices like workaholism, betting, or unpredictable sexual movement. They mean well. They attempt to deal with an individual who is encountering trouble, however the caretaking gets enthusiastic and crushing. Mutually dependent people frequently take on a martyr’s job and become â€Å"benefactors†to a person out of luck. A spouse may cover for her alcoholic husband; a mother may rationalize a truant kid; or a dad may â€Å"pull some strings†to shield his kid from enduring the outcomes of reprobate conduct. The issue is that these rehashed salvage endeavors permit the poor individual to proceed on a dangerous course and to turn out to be considerably progressively subject to the undesirable caretaking of the â€Å"benefactor. †As this dependence builds, the mutually dependent builds up a feeling of remuneration and fulfillment from â€Å"being required. †When the caretaking gets impulsive, the mutually dependent feels choiceless and vulnerable in the relationship, however can't split away from the pattern of conduct that causes it. Mutually dependent people see themselves as casualties and are pulled in to that equivalent shortcoming in the adoration and kinship connections.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Game Theory Essay
Game hypothesis rose as an insightful field of study in the main portion of the twentieth century. Since that time, it has essentially influenced different scholastic controls, for example, financial aspects, political theory and science. In spite of the fact that the term â€Å"game theory†may propose a specific pointlessness, the ideas basic it have some genuine applications and offer an organized and legitimate technique for thinking about vital circumstances. The equals between serious games and key business circumstances ought to be genuinely self-evident. Think about the round of chess. There are two players, every one of whom makes moves in grouping. In the wake of watching the move made by the main player, the subsequent player makes a counter move. At that point the main player, having watched the initial two moves, makes the third move, etc. Contrast this with the business circumstance of service stations seeking clients through key estimating. (The players for this situation are station An and station B. ) Suppose, for example, that station A beginnings by picking another estimating methodology. Given station A’s choice, station B chooses how it will set its costs. Given station B’s reaction, station A can decide to reexamine its valuing system, etc. The goal of every ga station in this â€Å"game†is to augment its own benefit. For each to do as such, it must be consistently acting and responding to its rival in the market just as envisioning serious reactions when deciding. What does game hypothesis bring to the table? To start with, game hypothesis gives a structure, or formal method, for breaking down any serious circumstance (or â€Å"game†). In particular, it compels you to recognize the players in a game (buyers, venders, input suppliers, governments, outside associations, and so on , their potential activities and responses to the activities of different players, and the adjustments or prizes verifiable in the game. Game hypothesis models diminish the world where organizations work from a profoundly mind boggling balanced that is more straightforward however by the by holds some significant attributes of the first. By catching and explaining the most critical parts of rivalry and relationship, game hypothesi s models make it conceivable to separate a complex serious circumstance into its key segments and to examine the mind boggling elements between players. All together for game hypothesis to be really valuable in investigating such complex circumstances, certain presumptions should be made. The most critical supposition that will be that the players in a game are picking their activities ideally; that is, they are picking their activities in the desire for boosting their definitive result and they expect that different players are doing moreover. Without this supposition, game hypothesis can't effectively demonstrate genuine circumstances. Since game hypothesis can practically show business circumstances, it causes organizations to settle on ideal choices and pick ideal activities. At the end of the day, by â€Å"solving†a game, a business can distinguish its ideal activities (expecting, as usual, that the various players are additionally picking their activities ideally). This is particularly important on the grounds that it assists organizations with picking the correct business procedures when gone up against with a complex key circumstance. In what sorts of business circumstances can game hypothesis be applied? Snap on the linkhere to discover. The idea of the solution(s) in game hypothesis additionally inspires organizations to break down how the structure of the game can be changed with the goal that an alternate (and maybe a progressively positive) game can be played. Due to its orderly approach, game hypothesis permits organizations to look at the outcomes of activities that they might not have thought of. It is significant here that numerous games including business are not quite the same as games in different fields. For example, in business, numerous players can win (and lose) all the while, which clearly isn't the situation with chess. Furthermore, as a result of the associated idea of most business connections, these games are not constantly ones of direct rivalry. Consider a game among maker and provider †both have motivating forces to progress admirably, however each likewise has a personal stake in the accomplishment of the other. Moreover, in contrast to some different games with fixed guidelines, the principles of business are ceaselessly in motion. They might be figured by law, by convention or unintentionally. Regularly, in any case, players have an effect on how rules are chosen. How does game hypothesis vary from microeconomics? Since game hypothesis can be utilized to demonstrate practically any monetary circumstance, it may appear to be excess to examine both microeconomics and game hypothesis. Be that as it may, microeconomics will in general spotlight on cases in which there are numerous purchasers and venders or there is one dealer (or purchaser) and numerous purchasers (or merchants). However here are numerous cases where there are a couple of purchasers or dealers. Markets in which more than one yet at the same time just a couple of firms contend are known as â€Å"oligopolies. †Oligopolists are intensely mindful of their relationship. Each firm’s choices in the market rely upon the particular suppositions it makes about how its adversaries settle on evaluating and yield choices. What's more, there are different circumstances in which there is one purchaser and one vender. Microeconomics without game hypothesis doesn't satisfactorily address these issues. Consider a market wherein the quantity of makers is little. In airplane producing, two firms, Boeing and Airbus, control 100 percent of the world market for business airplane. Each firm perceives that its estimating and creation choices have significant ramifications for its rival’s productivity. As an outcome, each firm endeavors to figure which moves its opponent will make. Yet, each must likewise perceive that its opponent will likewise be speculating with respect to what it will do. Unmistakably, such collaborations are insufficiently spoken to by great microeconomic models, which accept that the organizations are value takers. In some different markets, the quantity of purchasers is little. For example, the discount advertise for precious stones is overwhelmed by a little gathering of worldwide firms; in this way, jewel makers may locate that understood (or unequivocal) intrigue between purchasers makes it hard for the jewel makers to practice showcase power. By and by, exemplary microeconomic models might be feeling the loss of a significant element of real markets. Snap on every one of the connections underneath to peruse a couple of genuine models in which game hypothesis is relevant.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
William Wordsworth Father Of British Romanticism - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1197 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Art Essay Level High school Tags: Romanticism Essay Did you like this example? William Wordsworth, the â€Å"father†of British Romanticism, has been called a poet of spiritual and epistemological speculation in addition to being concerned with the human relationship to nature (Brodsky). Before embarking in the art of poetry, Wordsworth started and lived his early life very close to his family. He attended Hawkshead Grammar School, where it is believed that he began to practice poetry. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "William Wordsworth: Father Of British Romanticism" essay for you Create order However, at the age of eight, his mother passed away. Soon after, his father passed too, leaving him an orphan along with his other four siblings. This was the source of inspiration dealing with much of his later work regarding religion and childlike innocence. After his primary schooling, Wordsworth attended St. John’s College in Cambridge. In his last semester of school, he travelled throughout Europe during the era of the French Revolution. His experience in college and on his adventures greatly influenced his poetry dealing with political sensibility and the â€Å"Common Man. His earliest poetry was published in 1793 in â€Å"An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketches. This was a solo project. Soon after, he wrote â€Å"Lyrical Ballads†in 1795 with Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s aid. These poems became some of the most influential in Western Literature (Poets). In turn, Coleridge and Wordsworth were said to be the creators of British Romantic poetry. British Romanticism was an era of literature that lasted from 1800-1850. It started during rebellions and violence throughout Europe, so while focused on nature, most poets believed they were chosen to â€Å"guide†others through the changes and turmoil. As a way to incite hope, poets believed something existed beyond the physical world. They used this to write about supernatural energy and beauty. The poet also believed they were only at â€Å"peace in nature†(the British Library). Specifically, William Wordsworth believed poetry should be democratic, and he advocated for the common man. For this reason, he tried to give a voice to those who tended to be marginalized and oppressed by society. This included the poor, discharged soldiers, widowed women, the â€Å"insane, and children (The British Library). However, as he grew older, he became more conservative in his outlook. Because of this, he was ridiculed for â€Å"selling out†to the Establishment during the revolutions. This led him to begin writing more about the spirituality of nature rather than politics. Some of Wordsworth’s most popular poems have dealt with the politics and revolutions occurring during the peak years of British Romanticism. In his poem titled â€Å"London, 1802†, Wordsworth explored the loss of English morals and tradition. Throughout the poem he used an apostrophe by the name of â€Å"Milton†, and he explained that he believed the deceased â€Å"Milton†can give the lost foundation back to England through his writing. His lines of â€Å"Milton! Thou should be living at this hour: / England hath need of thee: she is a fen / Of stagnant waters: altar, sword, and pen†(Wordsworth) utilize an apostrophe, while describing the predicament England is in. Through these lines, he explains that England needs Milton as â€Å"she†has different altars (religion), sword (military), and pen (art) then when Milton was there assisting the arts, and Wordsworth believed that the time Milton was on Earth was better. Through his symbols of a ltars, swords, and pens, Wordsworth conveyed that he thought that England had lost their tradition and values during the European revolutions and that Milton could help. Additionally, Wordsworth wrote the political piece titled â€Å"Character of the Happy Warrior†, written in the trochaic tetrameter, that explored the characteristics of a good, English, common man. Wordsworth describes men of power and explores the theme, how strong leaders can repair a broken society, through his use of symbolism and spiritual rhetoric. He questions who the â€Å"Happy Warrior†is, continuing on to answer his own question throughout his work. He says that the â€Å"Happy Warrior†has â€Å"high endeavours of an inward light / That makes the path before him always bright†(Wordsworth). Along with this, he describes them as men that â€Å"rise to the station of command / On honorable terms†(Wordsworth) and men that â€Å"do not stoop, nor lie in wait / For wealth, or honours, or for wordly state†(Wordsworths). These lines describe the ideal character of a strong, powerful, representative English man, specifically a politic ian, that would give his nation honor. His poems not only call on the morals of his country and ask if they are there, but they also help out the marginalized groups of England. The effects of the French and the Industrial Revolution on the common people was prevalent in Wordsworth’s writing, and he was keen on portraying lives of common people, including children, making it realistic and representative of of authentic contemporary society (Choudhury). However, it can be argued that some of Wordsworth’s most vital poems deal with his use of political positions, like ones advocating for the respect of oppressed children alongside his use of nature and spiritual beauty to portray marginalized groups in a new light. For example, Wordsworth writes about children in â€Å"Ode: Intimations of Immortality†. It is argued that this poem is about â€Å"the natural insight and purity of the child†before he/she ages (Eager). There is simplicity to the rhetoric, almost childlike, that is essential to showing that the poem is about children while using themes derived from nature and spirit. However, as the poem goes on, the writing gets stronger and Wordsworth questions what happens to the innocence and dreamlike quality children have in the lines stating â€Å"Whither is fled the visionary gleam? / Where is it now, the glory and the dream?†(Wordsworth). He argued that this diminishes as we age and the children abandon God as they age in the lines that say â€Å"Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting: / The Soul that rises with us, our life’s Star / Hath elsewhere had its setting, / And cometh from afar: / Not in entire forgetfulness, / And not in utter nakedness, / But trailing clouds of glory do we come / From God, who is our home†(Wordsworth). He also states that â€Å"There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream, / The earth and every common sight, / To me did seem / Appar eled in celestial light, / The glory and freshness of a dream. / It is not now as it hath been of yore; / Turn wheresoe’er I may, / By night or day, / The things which I have seen I now can see no more.†(Wordsworth). In his lines describing the past, Wordsworth is arguing that the children stray further from God because of English values and strict religious policies, not because of their own faults. In this argument, he pleads that this is not the England he knew. Collectively, Wordsworth argued that the only way to regain the true foundational policies of England is to reevaluate the countrys morals at the time. His writing that advocated for marginalized groups and questioned the Establishment using natural and spiritual elements of British Romanticism has been his most impactful, and arguably most important. It truly was used to guide citizens through the turmoil of the constantly changing society, giving off a sense of hope and prosperity if one looks for the â€Å"light†and puts their trust in spirit and natural beauty.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Information Systems Analysis And Design - 1662 Words
COIT20248: Information Systems Analysis and Design Term1, 2015 Assessment 1 - Systems Development Lecturer: Tutor: Prepared by: Student Name Student ID Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Approaches to Systems Development 3 3 System Requirements 4 4. Project Cost Benefit Analysis 6 5. Project Schedule 8 6. System Information Requirement Investigation Techniques 9 7. Reflections and Conclusions 10 8. References 11 1 Introduction Aim of the Report: The main focus of this report is build a new system from scratch for Broadway bookshop which can solve the problems which the company facing with their present system. By this report we will elaborate new system’s functionality, get their requirements for desired system by different techniques and will prepare a planning for the system using MS Project software. The company is facing problems like duplication of records due to no proper record system, Customer dissatisfaction due to lake of accuracy in scheduling system and so on. AWSIG will prove a system by which all the problems facing by Broadway bookshop will solve and help them gain customer satisfaction which will help them gain market value of their services and company. 2 Approaches to Systems Development There are various methods to approach to system development including Joint application design and prototyping. After reviewing many methods we found JAD is more appropriate method to approach to systems development. JAD adjustsShow MoreRelatedInformation Systems Analysis And Design2008 Words  | 9 PagesCOIT20248: Information Systems Analysis and Design COIS 20025: Systems Development Overview Term2, 2015 Assessment 1 - Systems Development Lecturer: Jha, Meena Tutor: Tao, Aries Prepared by: Your Name: Anand Sagar Koneti Your Student Number: S0268609 Table of Contents 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Objectives 4 2 Approach to systems development 4 2.1 Methodologies 4 2.2 Model 4 2.3 Tools 5 2.4 Techniques 5 Justification for chosen approach 5 3 Systems requirements 6 3.1 Functional requirementsRead MoreAdvanced Information Systems Analysis And Design3360 Words  | 14 PagesISM 6124 - ADVANCED INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN QUIZ 1 - FALL SEMESTER 2014 Quiz 1 is a take home, open-book quiz consisting of five questions. The quiz will be posted on the ISM 6124 site in Canvas under Assignments. The quiz will be available for downloading at noon on Wednesday, October 1. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Honorable Betrayal Essay - 1044 Words
Honorable Betrayal The William Shakespeare play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar tells the story of the assassination of Julius Caesar and the eight conspirators behind it. The play takes place in 44 B.C. in Rome. Marcus Brutus is the protagonist and face-man of the insidious conspiracy. He is also the tragic hero in this classic work of literature. Aristotle’s definition of the tragic hero is a character that has a character flaw, also known as hubris, and experiences a downfall from a high position in society due to this flaw. After this downfall, a tragic hero experiences an enlightenment. Brutus fits Aristotle’s description perfectly. Brutus has a severe character flaw and experiences a downfall from a high position in society.†¦show more content†¦Caesar truly believed Brutus was a friend; Brutus again wrongly judges Caesar’s character. The last misjudgment of character Brutus has is the misjudgment of Antony’s true motives in Caesar†™s funeral speech. Brutus tells Antony, â€Å"You shall not in your funeral speech blame us, / But speak all good you can devise of Caesar,†(945). Antony agrees to everything Brutus tells him, but secretly he plans on manipulating the crowd to turn on Brutus and Cassius. This misjudgment of character leads to a war between the Roman Empire and Brutus’s armies. This character flaw, however, ultimately leads to the downfall of Brutus. The downfall of Brutus begins to occur as soon as he makes the decision to kill Caesar. Due to the character flaw of misjudgment of character, Brutus makes the decision to kill Caesar, which leads to his downfall. The first loss he experiences is the loss of a friend, not an adversary, who happens to be Caesar. Brutus truly does love Caesar, but kills him for love of his country. Right before Brutus dies he says: â€Å"Caesar, now be still. / I killed not thee with half so good a will,†(997). Brutus speaks his dying words to Caesar, saying that he killed himself more willingly than he killed Caesar. It is obvious tha t he cared about Caesar. The second loss he experiences is the loss of his wife Portia. He tells Cassius: â€Å"Impatient of my absence / And grief that young Octavius with MarkShow MoreRelatedEssay on Julius Caesar578 Words  | 3 Pages How Betrayal Led to Downfall in Julius Caesar nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare shows how friends often betray each other. Julius Caesar is about to be crowned king of Rome, when some well-known Romans decide that it is not a good idea for this to happen. They form a conspiracy and kill Caesar. Brutus, an honorable Roman and a very good friend of Caesar’s, betrays Caesar by killing him for the good of Rome. Antony, Caesar’s best friendRead MoreOroonoko’s Honorable Downfall1433 Words  | 6 Pagesmany paradoxes in her text Oroonoko or the Royal Slave. One of the many paradoxes she utilizes is the one that applies to her hero, Oroonoko; he is an honorable hero, who is also a naà ¯ve fool. Oroonoko was born into royalty and led a career as a valiant and just warrior. Reared for this life, Oroonoko has a character that is intrinsically honorable following his code of loyalty and honesty. His code of honor and love of truth is admirable, but it leads h im being betrayed throughout the narrativeRead MoreRhetoric and Betrayal in Julius Caeser Play1486 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s famous play Julius Caesar utilizes the literary element of rhetoric multiple times throughout to show the true power that words can hold. The rhetoric in Caesar accompanies the play’s themes of betrayal, deception, and exaggeration. Brutus uses rhetoric to persuade the crowd of plebeians that the murdering of Caesar was positive and beneficial to all of Rome, winning their support and causing them to join his cause. Soon after, Mark Antony gives a terrifically-persuasive speechRead MoreTragic Heroes of Rome809 Words  | 4 PagesCaesar is dead, Mark Antony is powerless. The fall of a tragic hero is a major part in the character’s enlightenment. At the beginning of Act I, Brutus stood with Caesar at Senate hearings and was his best friend. He was well respected and an honorable man. Yet after the assassination Brutus and Cassius leave town fast as the can because Mark Antony had turned the angry mob against them. After his speech a servant tells Antony that Octavius has just arrived in Rome and that Brutus and Cassius hasRead MoreRhetoric in Julius Caesar790 Words  | 4 Pagessense, Mark Antony indirectly calls Brutus an unkind man. The repetition of calling the murderers honorable men makes a sense of sarcasm in the speech. â€Å"Yet Brutus says he was ambitious, and Brutus is an honorable man.†(3.2/ 93) Style and delivery distorts the truth about Brutus and the murderers without insulting or blaming them directly. Each time he mentions Brutus and the traitors as an honorable men they seem more like dishonorable men and soone r or later the people pick up on this, makingRead MoreDefense Mechanisms By Julius Caesar And Othello Essay941 Words  | 4 Pagesdefense mechanisms such as repression, denial, and projection even before Freud’s theory on such mechanisms came to fruition. Additionally, Shakespeare provides evidence of betrayal as its own definitive defense mechanism, proving that it is in fact human nature to betray others. Julius Caesar is a story of conspiracy and betrayal that ultimately lead to the murder of Caesar. 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HimRead MoreThe Honorable Odysseus of Homers Odyssey Essay721 Words  | 3 Pages The Honorable Odysseus nbsp; When Odysseus returned home to his wife and son, he took a very brutal approach to rid his home of the suitors who had invaded his household.nbsp; This revenge was also taken out upon the servants and maids who had been unfaithful to Penelope and had slept with the suitors.nbsp; Some may say this punishment was too harsh, and made Odysseus less than an honorable man.nbsp; However, Odysseus’s actions were justifiable. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Read MoreHamlet Betrayal1216 Words  | 5 Pagesloved you. Betrayal is an act of disloyalty and it is violating someones trust. In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, betrayal is a reoccurring action between many characters. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Criticisms and reforms or murder and manslaughter free essay sample
Despite recent reforms on the law of murder and voluntary manslaughter; including the special defence of diminished responsibility and loss of control, there are still inconsistencies present making the law unsatisfactory. This area of the law is in ‘dire need of reform’; as pointed out by the Law Commission in their 2006 report; Murder, Manslaughter and infanticide. The report stated how ‘The Law governing homicide in England and Wales is a rickety structure built upon shaky foundations. ’ One of the main areas pointed out by the Law Commission was the bit by bit development of the law leading to a lack of coherence. This lack of coherence can be seen in the uncertain meaning of ‘intention’. Intention is a vital element of murder in regards to proving D having the sufficient mens rea. Despite multiple attempts by the House of Lords to explain what effect foresight of consequences has; s8 CJA 1967 it is still unclear. In Moloney it was ruled foresight of consequences was not intention; it was only evidence from which intention could be inferred. However, in the case of Woolin the HoL spoke of intention being found from foresight of consequences. This left it unclear whether it is a substantive rule of law or a rule of evidence and the following case of Mathews ad Alleyne confused matters more after stating there was little difference between the two. In my view this could be resolved if a definition of foresight of consequences was provided in a statutory definition; making applying the law easier for jury’s. The Law Commission also pointed out that when Parliament passed the Homicide Act in 1957 they had never intended a killing to amount to murder unless the D realised his conduct might cause death. However, currently where D intends to cause GBH, regardless of whether he is aware of the risk of death, the D can still be guilty of murder; Vickers. This has been criticised as far back at 1981 in the case of Cunningham, in which Lord Edmond Davies expressed the need for Parliament to change the law. In my opinion There also remains an issue in regards to euthanasia; known as a ‘mercy killing’. Under present law where a D kills a V who wants to die but cannot take their own life; they are to be found guilty of murder; carrying a minimum of 15 years imprisonment. Despite doctors being able to withdraw treatment; Airedale NHS Trust v Bland, and the DPP setting out guidelines on sentencing; under the obligation set out in s2(1) Prosecution of Offences ACT 1985. There are still situations the guideline code does not cover; as seen in R(on the application of Purdy) v DPP. To me, the legalisation of euthanasia combined with a statutory definition, (maintaining criminal liability for killings for financial gains etc), is the most logical and just solution. This has already been proved to work effectively in the Nertherlands. Another criticism made is the lack of defence for when excessive force is used. Where the D acts in self-defence or in the prevention of a crime, providing he uses ‘reasonable force in the circumstances’, the D is not guilty of an offence. However, where the D uses excessive force the D is guilty of murder, creating an ‘all or nothing’ effect. This has led to unjust outcomes in cases such as Clegg and Martin (Anthony). Like many I believe where the D has an honest, but unjustified, belief as to the degree of force needed, he should not be treated as a ‘true’ murderer’; with a manslaughter conviction appearing more just; providing the judge with discretion in sentencing. Additionally, the lack of defence of duress for murder has also been criticised. Duress is whereby D is threatened with death or serious injury so that they commit a crime. Currently this defence can be used for all offences apart from murder. Giving a mandatory life sentence to someone who does not ‘want’ to commit an offence seems unjust. For this reason I agree with the Law Commission’s proposal that a D can plead the defence of duress if they had no realistic opportunity to seek police protection and showed the courage of an ordinary person. Currently if a D aged 18 or over is convicted of murder, the judge must pass a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment. For offenders aged 10-17 found guilty of murder, the judge must order that they are detained at Her Majesty’s Pleasure. The fact the sentencing is mandatory and the judge has no discretion leaves a lack of ability to sentence according to blameworthiness, unlike all other offences which have discretion in sentencing; Gotts. This lack of differentiation between blameworthiness is further emphasised by the Government’s sentencing guidelines laid down in the Criminal Justice Act 2003. Under this act in cases of murders of police officers or murders involving firearms D should receive a 30 year sentence. However, in cases like that of Martin (Anthony) such a sentence would appear unjust. With regards to the issues mentioned above the Law Commission proposed that murder should be reformed by dividing it up into two separate offences; first degree murder; and second degree murder. First degree murder would cover cases where the D intended to kill and where D intended to inflict serious harm and was aware of the risk of death. Second degree murder would include cases where the D intended to do serious harm but was not aware there was a risk of death. This system would allow the judge to enforce a mandatory life sentence for first degree murder but provide discretion in sentencing for second degree murder. This is a system I consider to be far more effective at provide just retribution. However, in 2008 the Government issued a consultation paper that rejected the Law Commission’s proposal of a two-tier offence. In fact the only area the Government accepted the need for reform was the need for a defence when excessive force was used in self-defence. This reform was implemented through the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 which laid out the defence of ‘loss of control’. Despite the introduction of the defence for ‘loss of control’ by the Government, criticisms have even been made of the defence. In fact the Law Commission proposed removing the loss of control criteria completely as it allowed woman in abusive relationships to kill through ‘a combination of anger, fear and frustration. ’ Additionally, sexual infidelity is no longer allowed as a qualifying trigger for the defence. Yet the defence of provocation was largely created for just such situations. Finally, the ‘fear of serious violence’ qualifying trigger was added largely as a result of the lack of a defence in the cases of Clegg and Martin (Anthony). However, the requirement that D must have lost self-control may make it more difficult for such defendants to use the defence. Problems also still remain in the special defence of diminished responsibility, despite the fact the Coroners and Justice Act has resolved many of the old problems. A main point is that the burden of proof should not be placed the defendant; in most cases the D only has to raise the point and the prosecution must disprove it. This could in fact be a breach of Art 6(2) of the European Convention on Human Rights which states that ‘everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty’. In addition, the Law Commission also recommended that developmental immaturity in those under 18 should be included within the definition of DR. The Government held that there was no need to include it on the basis that learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorders were already included in the definition. However, as developmental immaturity is different, potentially a 10 year old suffering from developmental immaturity could be convicted of murder. In conclusion, it is apparent the current law is in need of further reform to provide greater coherence and more justice in cases across the board. Like Sir Jeremy Horder I believe the proposed reforms from the Law Commission are very sensible and could provide a greater element of justice in the legal system. However, it appears that enthusiasm towards change is minimal and any future reform will be a gradual process.
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